Health and Wellbeing Community Referral Project
Social Prescribing Link worker
What is Health and Wellbeing Community Referral
Community Referral is about supporting the health and wellbeing of people through spending time linking a person into local supports and activities. A Link Worker will meet with a person and spend time talking to them about what activities they are interested in, explore hobbies and the benefits of participating in them, and will assist and support a person in attending these activities. Community Referral involves linking a person into community-based activities and supports, such as exercise, art, reading and gardening. Community Referral is Free of charge.
The aim of the Community Health and Wellbeing referral project is to link people into nonmedical sources of support in their community or online with the aim of improving overall health and wellbeing. This is a free service based in Ballincollig FRC and covering HSE Network 12 Bishopstown, Ballincollig, Macroom and Ballyvourney. This project works with adults who are socially isolated and in need of connection with others in their community. The Linkworker aims to bridge the gap between a client and the service/support needed by the client acting as the bridge between the Medical and Social Model of care. The Community Health and Wellbeing Community referral is client led and the Linkworker facilitates access to support services or community connections identified by the person they are working with.
You can self refer
by contacting our
Link worker on:
Phone (085) 879 3462 or